The Rabbit Sanctuary Blog

Vision: To create a world for pets where they don't need to be rescued

14.07.24 04:59 PM By Gertraud - Comment(s)
Vision: To create a world for pets where they don't need to be rescued
In this blog post I am sharing an idea on how we can create a world where companion pets don't need to be rescued.

Water intake in rabbits - by Dr. Izidora Sladakovic

07.04.24 02:27 PM By Gertraud - Comment(s)
Water intake in rabbits - by Dr. Izidora Sladakovic

Water is the often forgotten, but very important nutrient for many animals, including rabbits. Just like us, a rabbit’s body is made up of ~ 60% water.

Did you know that a 2kg rabbit drinks as much as a 10kg dog?! Rabbits have a few unique anatomic and physiologic features that require them to cons...

Rabbit Bonding Method

07.02.24 05:38 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
Rabbit Bonding Method
Step by step to bonding two rabbits. Handling of the rabbits. Setting up non territorial space.

Hay Variety

02.01.24 12:19 AM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)

It is very important that bunnies have more than one hay type. 

Feeding a variety of hays is crucial for a rabbit's gut and dental health, primarily due to the different nutritional and physical properties of each type of hay. Grassy hays, such as Timothy, Rye Grass, and Teff Hay, are high in fi...

What Does Rabbit Adoption Include?

22.05.23 09:44 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
What Does Rabbit Adoption Include?
Can you rent with a pet rabbit? How to rent with a pet rabbit successfully.

Renting with a Pet Rabbit

22.05.23 09:44 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
Can you rent with a pet rabbit? How to rent with a pet rabbit successfully.

Costs Associated with an Old Bunny

15.05.23 03:24 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)


Whether you're a responsible pet owner or a bunny-hoarding softy, it's important to make sure your rabbit is taken care of. That means giving them food and water and keeping them warm (and dry). But there are also some costs associated with owning an older pet that may surprise you--espe...

Are Hares Legal in NSW?

19.07.22 03:59 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
Find out the laws about keeping hares and rabbits in NSW

Seeds on Hay

12.07.22 06:05 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
Have you ever seen or thought about the seeds on your rabbit’s hay? We all know by now that we should feed our rabbits hay but should we feed the seeds on the hay?

For the love of a bunny

21.10.21 02:01 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
Celebrating Foster Care and Rabbit Rescue our Foster Carer Priyanka is a finalist in the awards for 2021 with her special rescue bunny Ravenpaw…

E. cuniculi in Rabbits - info and treatment

23.09.21 02:02 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
E. cuniculi in Rabbits - info and treatment
Ecuniculi or EC is common in rabbits. It causes paralysis, neurological damage and death. Read a summary of symptoms, treatments, medications.

Desensitisation Rabbit Bonding Method

02.03.21 02:28 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
Learn about Kim Cooney's "Desensitisation" method of rabbit bonding. See rabbit bonding videos and pointers to help you bond two rabbits.

Easy Rabbit Bonding

01.03.21 12:04 AM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
Easy Rabbit Bonding
Rabbit bonding made easy! Learn gentle rabbit handling and bonding. This is a positive way to get your two bunnies to be good friends.

How did Rabbit Calicivirus RHDV2 happen?

12.02.21 11:50 AM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
How did Rabbit Calicivirus RHDV2 happen?
How the rabbit calicivirus RHDV2 strain was ‘accidentally’ released from a government lab in SA 1995.

Rescue Rabbit Neve

23.12.20 07:04 AM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
Read about our sad rabbit rescue of Neve with the matted fur. Tiny Shear Magic battery clippers were used to de-mat her mats. Neve is a cashmere lop.

New Zealand Red Rabbits

26.11.20 04:43 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
The rare New Zealand Red Rabbit Breed in Australia and those we have rescued.

Snuggle Coat for Biting Rabbits

22.11.20 03:53 PM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
Snuggle Coat for Biting Rabbits
How to stop a rabbit biting you. Learn the "Snuggle-Coat" rabbit handling technique.

Jetpets Companion Animal Rescue Awards

18.09.20 03:05 AM By KIm Cooney - Comment(s)
The Rabbit Sanctuary has made the Finals in the Jetpets Companion Animal Rescue Awards 2020