Why do rabbits need to go to an indoor home?

Rabbits are prey animals & unfortunately are very high on the food chain.  They are hunted by dogs, cats, birds & snakes & are very susceptible to insect bites.

In addition to this, there are 2 deadly viruses that can be fatal.  

  1. Myxomatosis is a virus carried by mosquitoes & fleas. There is no vaccine available.
  2. RDHV is a fly carried virus. A vaccine is available.

Do rabbits get vaccinated?

Yes. Rabbits need to visit the vet every 12 months so they can get the Filovac vaccine. This will protect them against the RHDV1, RHDV2 & RHDV-K5 virus strains.

What else should the vet check for?

Rabbits teeth are similar to horse teeth. They have evolved over time to break down tough, fibrous vegetation, such as grasses, weeds, twigs and leaves, the natural forage of wild rabbits. To compensate for this constant wear, rabbit teeth are open-rooted, which means they grow continuously throughout their lives.

A rabbit whose diet is insufficient in fiber, such as a pellets-only diet, will be unable to properly wear down its teeth which could result in abnormally long teeth, spurs, abscesses - all of which are very painful.

Will they stink out my home?

Rabbits can be trained to use a litter box, just like a cat. Simply clean out the litter box regularly, and there won't be any smell.

Do rabbits shed / moult?

Yes. Initially when rabbits are young, their baby coat is replaced at around 5 months by a transitional coat. After this, the rabbit's adult coat will develop and from here on, rabbits generally moult twice a year (Spring and Autumn).  If you follow a regular grooming routine, moulting will be minimal.

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